All About Tableau
What is Tableau?
Tableau is a Business Intelligence / Analyst tool that enables users to analyze, manipulate, visualize and share data.
It was developed as a tool for a user to create graphics without a programming or tech heavy background.
“[the founders] basically combined the structured query language (SQL) with graphics and invented a database visualization language called VizQL, i.e. Visual Query Language.
Tableau converts the relational databases, cubes, cloud database, and spreadsheets to dashboards and shares over the internet.” (1)
Tableau was founded in 2003 by a group of Stanford students- Chris Stolte, Pat Hanrahan, and Christian Chabot. It was acquired by Salesforce in 2019. (2)
Once data is selected, prepped, and modeled in Python/ R. This data set is then able to be exported to Tableau. Data can be continually added without losing integrity.
What are the main alternatives or competitors to this tool/library?
More robust than either of these.
One of the advantages to Tableau is that requires minimal coding skills. It can help provide answers to specific questions. It is also user friendly when it comes to data integration and manipulation.
Something interesting to note — you cant use tableau in python, there isn’t a module for it. But you can use python in tableau.
Area Charts: Sales by Category; Sales by Segment
Learn several fundamental Tableau concepts while creating two area charts.
Tableau Products and Licenses
Bar Chart: Profit Ratio by City
Learn how to create a bar chart that appears when you hover over the map.
Building a Dashboard
Learn how to combine views and apply actions to create a fully interactive dashboard.
Dashboard examples:
Enterprise Tableau Server project begins roll out with PSC | University of Colorado
The Procurement Service Center successfully migrated to the enterprise version of Tableau, with CU Boulder, CU Denver and CU Anschutz to follow by year’s end.
Our products
Mark Rabins
Tableau Server — | Alteryx Tableau Snowflake en Mexico
For more info see
- Tableau Tutorial For Beginners — Learn What is Tableau Data Visualization. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2022, from
- What is tableau? Tableau. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2022, from